Ansible CMDB docker-compose
Efficient way to use edited ansible-cmdb from main source of Ferry Boender 2017.
How to use details:
To straight using of commands you can go for file and follow actions.
Download Repo
cd cmdb-stack-master
Docker Requirements
This stack needs docker host
and docker-compose
command to serve services:
docker network create --driver bridge --opt encrypted ansible-net
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Prepare ssh-key
:warning:If you already have ansible
infrastructure you can use your own private key and inventory and skip this section. otherwise you should follow below steps.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ./ssh-keys/root-id_rsa -N ''
#ssh-copy-id -i ./ssh-keys/root-id_rsa root@Servers
## add servers ip to agent-hosts inventory file with [agent] group
#echo "servers_ip" >> ./inventory/agent-hosts
Auto Inventory Generator
The next step is to install the tmway agent
The key of keep assets updated is to use tmway, this is an auto inventory generator
for ansible, you can read about it on:
__Notice:__ I suggest to you add end of your terraform provisioning or OVF Templates for virtual machines to keep your ansible inventory update without any handy actions.
cat > /etc/cron.d/tmway-agent << EOF 0 */6 * * * root /home/scripts/ http://yourDomain:4040/tmway EOF
You just need to run agent_install.yml playbook on your servers via ansible.
Use ip address or domain name of docker host. example here: docker-server=
docker exec ansible ansible-playbook -i /inventory/agent-hosts \
-e ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/ssh-keys/root-id_rsa -e yourDomain= \
Gather Facts
If prior playbook runs successfully, new inventory has been generated automatically in inventory/hosts.ini
based on hostname-patterns then we can gather data from this inventory
You can add this command to cron to keep update your data every day. example crontab-time: 0 02 * * *
docker exec ansible ansible-playbook -i /inventory/hosts.ini \
-e ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/ssh-keys/root-id_rsa \
__Notice:__ If you want add your custom data to cmdb or facts you can enable custom facts scripts to playbook like comment examples in gather-facts.yml
cat > playbooks/gather-facts/files/TEST.fact << EOF #!/bin/bash echo '{"CURRENT_TIME": "$(date)"}' EOF
Create CMDB
By running the previous command we have facts files from servers in the facts/
directory, then we can create HTML files from these facts via ansible-cmdb.
You can add this command to cron to keep updating HTML every day. example crontab-time:0 03 * * *
docker exec cmdb \
ansible-cmdb -d -C /template/custom-columns.conf \
-i /inventory/hosts.ini -t html_fancy_split -p local_js=0 \
--columns name,groups,main_ip,fqdn,all_ipv4,os,kernel,arch,virt,vcpus,cpu_type,ram,mem_usage,disk_usage,timestamp,prodname \
By using template we can create more customized data and columns to our CMDB equals to custom facts gathered by ansible or other gathered facts not shown on the first page of cmdb.
At the end of the compose file, we already mount cmdb HTML files into the Nginx container, Therefore we can see the final result on our webserver.
What is this project?
Gathering infrastructure information is challenging especially on large-scale assets. CMDB definition can help us to keep our information in a centralized database or file updated. Thanks to Ferry Boender for the amazing ansible-cmdb repo we can use ansible to gather servers information more effectively and combine it with some actions to do it fully automatically. Of course, we have better solutions on cloud-native infrastructure, but in case we cannot access clouds or any similar infrastructure we can use this repo.
So I prepared this repo to use easily and semi-auto to keep the server’s information updated. little edits on the main project of ansible-cmdb and writing the tmway flask app are some of my actions to able use the ansible-cmdb feature more efficient.
One of the best features of this repo is we can add our needs data definitions everywhere of our work timeline using the powerful feature of ansible-custom-facts and with mako-template we can add our customized facts by ansible in cmdb. for detail of using cmdb templates you can use Custom Columns of ansible-cmdb.
- Add extra information in document
- SQL database export on html
- Split inventories by hostname pattern of TMWAY
- Add extra agent data to send to inventory_generator